Child Support

Child support is not meant to just “make up the difference” between what a custodial parent earns and how much income is required for the custodial parent to care for a child. It is meant to provide a fair and equitable distribution of money so that no parent is carrying the bulk of the financial weight in the child’s upbringing.

Calculation of Child Support in Las Vegas

When one parent has sole custody of a child, child support is based upon the gross income of the parent who is paying support. When parents have joint custody, the amount of support is based on the difference in the parents’ incomes. While parental incomes are the main factor in determining how much child support the non-custodial parent will provide to the custodial parent, it not the only factor. Additional factors may include:

  • Health insurance and healthcare costs
  • Cost of child care
  • Educational expenses, including tuition
  • Financial support of other children by one or both parents
  • Value of parental services provided
  • Pregnancy expenses
  • Transportation expenses
  • Division of time between parents
  • Public assistance received

Las Vegas Child Support Attorney

The difference between parental incomes is a simple calculation, but the determination of fair and equitable child support is a far more complex matter. A simple distribution of income does not suffice when a child adds numerous expenses to a household. That’s why, when it comes to the distribution of child support, Barnes Law Group focuses specifically on those additional factors involved in the support calculation.

The Money You Need and Deserve

Getting the child support you need to care for a child means getting the fullest possible picture of financial matters on both sides. Attorney Carol Barnes has experience in taking the entirety of clients’ financial situations into account, calculating the true costs of a child’s educational, healthcare, and other needs, and ensuring that these factors are considered in the issuance of support by the courts.

Raising a child on your own is never easy, but it does not have to be financially burdensome. Barnes Law Group cannot ease the mental and emotional weight of being a single parent, but by making sure all factors are considered in the determination of support, they can at least alleviate you of some of the financial responsibility you carry.

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Best Child Support Lawyers in Las Vegas